Wayang Windu

West Java, IndonesiaOperating

The Wayang Windu project is a 117 MW geothermal power plant in Java, Indonesia. The project is part of a four phase development of more than 400MW of geothermal power projects at Wayang Windu.

Indonesia has the potential to generate nearly half its electrical power demand from geothermal energy. Renewable Power generated from non-fossil based energy sources like geothemal steam abates the emission of the greenhouse gases from the diesel and coal-fired power which otherwise dominate power supply to the Java-Bali electrical grid system.

The project was registered with the UNFCCC in December 2010 and will generate 16.7 million CERs over its life. Sindicatum has an advisory role on this project. Sindicatum is using its climate change expertise to act as a consultant (in particular to develop the CDM documentation and to manage the registration and on-going CER verification processes).